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The Making of an NRLW Star: Julia Robinson's Journey with #1 Fan Craig

From newcomer to star athlete, Julia Robinson's journey is a testament to hard work, resilience and mentorship from coach and number 1 fan, Craig.

Julia Robinson

In the fast-paced world of women's rugby league, Julia Robinson has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Her speed, agility and unwavering determination have captivated fans and solidified her position as a rising star.

But behind every star athlete is a mentor – a guiding force that helps shape their journey. For Julia, that force is Craig Green, her first rugby league coach, and a man she considers a second father. As Craig proudly says, “I'm Julia Robinson's number 1 fan.”

Chance first encounter 

Craig and Julia’s paths first crossed in 2018 during a session between Craig's West Brisbane Panthers and the Australian Defence Force (ADF) team. Julia was a newcomer to rugby league, and she’d been recruited by the ADF due to her exceptional athleticism.

“I got involved in rugby league through the Army,” explains Julia. “They were looking for girls to play in the team. I'd never played rugby league – I grew up playing netball, but I put my hand up and started to play in the ADF team.”

Craig, a seasoned coach, immediately recognised Julia’s raw talent. “There was this blonde winger, fast, athletic... she was amazing,” he recalls. “She had a left-foot step, a right-foot step, and her acceleration was amazing.”

Julia remembers the opposed training session against the Panthers vividly too. “It was my first time playing rugby league,” she says. “I've always looked back at that time as him giving me my opportunity to grow as a player before I went to play for the Broncos. I always tell him that because of him that’s where my journey began.”

“That year, they were selecting for the NRLW, and our team was put into the national championships. That's how it all began for me,” Julia adds.

After being signed by the Broncos during the national championships, Julia was able to play with Craig's Panthers team for the rest of the season, marking the beginning of a transformative sporting partnership.

While Julia's athletic potential caught Craig’s eye in their first chance meeting, more importantly, he saw in her a coachability and commitment to the team. “She's the ultimate teammate,” he declares. “She’s all about the team and would do anything for the team.”

Julia, in turn, values Craig's guidance and support deeply. “He's always believed in me,” she says. “He’s always making sure I'm okay and checking up.” 

“Greeny definitely helped me in my first year because he always believed in me and if I needed to know anything I knew I could always go to him. He's definitely a big part of my rugby league career,” Julia says.

Their bond extends beyond the field though. Julia views Craig as a father figure and mentor.
Craig says what makes him Julia’s number 1 fan is being there for her away from football. “It's checking on her welfare and making sure she's okay off the field. And if she needs to chat, my phone's always on – I’m there for her if she needs some advice.”

Julia says she appreciates Craig’s support prior to matches too. “He always sends me a message four days before the game, to tell me to focus on my game and do what I do best. And he'll always check up on me the day after and send points he’s noted.”

Overcoming challenges together 

The road to stardom is rarely smooth, and Julia has faced her fair share of challenges. In 2019, she suffered a devastating broken leg, which sidelined her during a pivotal point in her career. Nevertheless, she remained involved with the team and attended every training session and game on crutches. 

Craig remembers her resilience and unwavering support for her teammates. “She attended every game with crutches in her plastered leg and she was also there to support the girls week in, week out during training.”

Julia's determination to overcome adversity shone through once again in 2022 when she faced online bullying. Instead of retreating, she used the experience as a platform to empower young girls, demonstrating the strength and resilience that have become her trademarks.

“I wanted to take the opportunity to speak up for young girls and show that you should never be ashamed to show your muscles and be strong,” explains Julia. “Women's sport is growing and becoming incredible. You have to be strong and powerful... you should never be ashamed, and you should be proud of what your body can do.”

Craig supported Julia throughout these challenging times. He reflects on her resilience in the face of online bullying: “Julia demonstrated what a strong woman she is. She showed so much resilience and faced that full-on. She wanted to demonstrate to the young girls that follow her, that you can be strong, and you don't have to put up with this.”

Hard work and dedication make a star

Craig attributes Julia's success to her focus and tremendous work ethic. “What makes Julia a star is her professionalism and her ability to go over and above what's needed for her to improve," he says. “She does so much extra before and after training.”

Julia's dedication is evident in her rigorous training routine and constant pursuit of improvement. She credits Craig with teaching her valuable lessons about the game. “Greeny always told me to slow down when I'm running, so I can make a decision. But I'm always, always, always going 110% at the line!” she laughs.

“The biggest challenges for me were knowing and learning the game,” Julia admits. “Greeny definitely taught me the skills I needed.”

A particularly poignant moment in Julia and Craig’s relationship is the grand final jersey that Craig has gifted Julia. Unable to play in the 2019 grand final because of her injury, Julia was still an integral part of the team's success. The jersey, which carries her name and number, serves as a tangible reminder of their shared journey and strong support for each other.

A Bronco for life

Both Craig and Julia see her future firmly rooted in Queensland. As Craig puts it, “Julia's a very loyal and humble person and I think her future is and will be in Queensland.” 

Julia echoes this sentiment, expressing her love for the team and her desire to remain a Bronco for as long as possible. “I hope so. Hopefully, the Broncos keep me for the rest of my life! I love the Broncos and I think of them as another family, so I'm definitely going to stay loyal to them.” 

Craig envisions Julia continuing to work with young athletes, inspiring them with her dedication and passion for the game. Julia emphasises her commitment to staying active, seeking out new challenges, and continuing to work with younger players in the Broncos’ system and development teams.

The power of mentorship 

The story of Julia Robinson and Craig is a testament to the power of mentorship and support in sports. Their bond has been strengthened through their shared challenges and triumphs and it has propelled Julia to the forefront of the NRLW. 

As she continues to evolve as a player and a role model, her journey is a great inspiration to aspiring athletes everywhere.

Julia's words sum up the essence of their relationship: “Greeny's always there for me... he always sends me a message before or after the game... those are very special.” 

With Craig's unwavering support as her number 1 fan, as well as Julia's unyielding determination, the future is bright for this rising star.