Built around you!
It's your home, or your investment. Whatever you use it for, you want to protect it the best you can. With cover against theft, fire, earthquakes, floods and storms,1 and inclusions like temporary accommodation, emergency repairs and clean up fees if your claim is accepted, it's clear to see our building insurance is built around you.
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What's included?
Cover for loss or damage to your building caused by theft, attempted theft or burglary.
Protection for damage or loss to your building caused by accidental fire.
Cover for loss or damage to the building caused by earthquake.
Cover for loss or damage caused by accidental explosion.
Loss or damage caused by riot or civil commotion is covered as standard.
We’ll cover your building against loss or damage caused by storm, including lightning, wind, hail and snow.1
Flood cover is included as standard with your Building policy.
Cover for loss or damage caused by escaping water.
You’re covered if your building is damaged due to impact.
Loss or damage to the property that is caused intentionally by anyone not living at the premises is automatically covered.
Cover for loss or damage to your home or contents caused by an animal.
We’ve got you covered to the tune of $20million for your legal liability to pay damages due to a claim for an accident that results in death, bodily injury or damage to someone else’s property.
If you can’t live at your home due to an insured event we’ll pay the costs for your temporary accommodation for up to 12 months.
We’ll pay for the reasonable cost of repairing or replacing burnt out electric motors caused by mechanical, electrical or electronic failure.
This covers the cost of replacing your broken glass or ceramics up to a value of 10% of the amount your building is insured for.
We’ll pay up to $1,000 for replacement keys and locks if the keys to your home are stolen.
Up to 20% of the building sum insured to pay any associated clean up and professional costs.
Cover for the reasonable cost of emergency repairs to make the building safe and secure and prevent further loss or damage.
Up to $5000 to modify your home if you or a member of your household is impaired by permanent quadriplegia or paraplegia as a result of an insured event.
We’ll pay $5000 to you or your estate towards funeral expenses if you or a household member dies as a result of an insured event.
In certain circumstances we will pay up to $10,000 for damage to, or soiling of, your home or contents. Read the PDS for more info.
If you have building cover with us, we'll pay up to $1000 for loss or damage to uninstalled building fixtures, fittings and materials caused as the result of an insured event.
Need mental health services? Youi covers up to $1,500 per household member for counselling sessions after a claim.
What's optional?
In case you need just a little bit more...
Cover for your Buildings up to your sum insured for damage caused accidently.
1 Exclusions and limits may apply. Where you have increased your cover or reduced your excess within 72 hours of a flood, storm, hail or bushfire occurring, cover will be limited to the amount that was effective prior to the change. Loss, damage or legal liability caused by, resulting or arising from flood, storm, hail or bushfire during the first 72 hours of your policy first being purchased is excluded unless certain conditions apply. For more details see PDS, TMD and your policy schedule.