Get in touch

Need help with a quote? Question about your policy? Need to talk about a claim? Contact us - we’re ready to listen.


24/7 Emergency Roadside Assistance or after hours
  Call 13 11 17


AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time
Sales Services

Monday to Friday
7:00am - 10:30pm

7:00am - 8:30pm


Claims Lodgement 
24 hours a day
7 days a week

Claims Care 
Monday - Friday 
7:30am - 8:00pm 

Third Party Care 
Monday - Friday 
8:00am - 4:30pm 

Client Services

Monday to Saturday
7:00am - 8:30pm

Small Business Insurance Team

Monday to Friday
8:00am - 9:00pm


Monday to Friday
8:00am - 6:00pm

NSW local time

Request a call back

Send us a message and we’ll be in contact as soon as we can.

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Cancellation Request

NSW CTP Greenslip

To cancel a NSW Compulsory Third Party (CTP) policy, please complete the Youi NSW CTP policy cancellation and refund request form and email to

For further assistance please call our CTP team on 1300 004 007.



For SA Compulsory Third Party (CTP) policy changes or cancellations, please contact Service SA directly.


All other policies

To cancel your policy, you’ll need to login to your policy and complete the cancellation request form or call us on 13 9684.


National Relay Service

TTY users:

Call 133 677 and then ask for 13 9684.

Speak and Listen users:

Call 1300 555 727 and then ask for 13 9684.

Internet relay users:

Connect to the NRS, then ask for 13 9684.

Vulnerable Customers Service

For general enquiries please call 13 YOUI (9684), however if you are experiencing Vulnerability, Financial Hardship or affected by Family Violence, you can contact our Priority Assistance Service on 1300 533 700 between 8:30am - 4:30pm (AEST) Monday to Friday, or by emailing

Support Services

To find other ways Youi can help you or someone you know, including Financial Hardship Assistance and Family Domestic Violence Support, please go to our Support Services page for more information.

Media Enquiries

For media enquiries email